About KEna
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About KEna

KEna is a CAD program, which focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It enables us to perform many tasks quickly. If we want to model a room, and have a library of available furniture components, KEna will serve us well.

KEna is based on the idea of building blocks. We know that building a house with bricks is fast, but it can be even faster if we get complete walls from the factory. However, the problem with the later approach is customization - where to put windows and doors, what material to use and so on. That's the point where KEna makes things simple. Elements in the library are not static, but can have many parameters. It is the decision of element designer, which properties can be changed by the user. For example, if only single color wardrobes are available, the user will be able to select only one color. If each door or drawer may have its own color, the user will be able to set all of them. If parts do not exist in reality, even more freedom is possible.

Another important feature of KEna program is composition. We can build new elements by combining existing ones with customized parameters. This way we can build complex elements easily.


© Marko Klopčič, 2003-2007